Lets say the Chicago Bulls had Carlos Boozer instead of Brad Miller in that epic first round battle against the Boston Celtics. Would we have pulled off the series win? Think about it for a second, from what you see right now do you trust they can even beat Boston once in the regular season? I know, I know, they beat L.A.... at home. I know that they have handed and below .500 team or two a well deserved beat down. But I DO NOT for one second believe that the Bulls are ready to make a splash in the playoffs, better yet make it out of the first round.
Not yet at least.
However, I am also not sure what or if a trade for a scoring SG would do for the Bulls offensively given what is currently available in the market or that illustrious "Who for Carmelo?" question. No matter how that one plays out, the Bulls would lose a crucial intangible. So we go with what we know. The Bulls are averaging 99.5 PPG on the season and starting SG Keith Bogans is only attributing 3.5 of them.Not a very appealing statistic. Now for what it is worth, I hope that Coach Thibs isn't playing the pride role by not pulling Bogans out of the starting lineup for Brewer. When it is clear right now he is playing with much more intensity and offensive effeciency.
It is very evident that Joakim Noah is of extreme importance to this franchise for more than just what he contributes statistically. The intensity that the Bulls play with while he is on the floor I have yet to see since he went under the knife after the Toronto game a month back. Unfortunately, Derrick Rose's play alone cannot spark a flame in an offense(and defense too as of recent) that is stagnant at best with its Lead Warrior out in cast. So I took it upon myself to propose a variety of scenarios in the format of, of course As I See It! And they are as follows:
- Start Kyle Korver, it remains a mystery to me why the best shooter on the team rides the pine to start games. Imagine a world where one of the NBA's best 3-pt shooters can try to eclipse Ray Allens single game 3-pt record...against him! I know that his defense is a bit suspect but well.... Carlos Boozer is also a starter. Not to mention the fact that in the summer I thought that Gar Forman and John Paxson were LITERALLY trying to build an East Coast Utah Jazz with the acquisition of Ronnie Brewer, Kyle Korver, and Carlos Boozer. Not to mention Coach Thibs and Jerry Sloan do mirror the same philosiphy built on defensive intensity and pick & roll play. So how about we start them all and see how familiar athletes play off one another. Hey it couldnt hurt, and maybe Carlos will remember the days where the thought of Jerry Sloan staring you down from the sideline was enough to put in a good help side slide effort(I know, enough all ready on the Boozer diss). Its not like I am anti-Boozer, I am anti-Boozer not playing a lick of legitimate aggresive D'
- Let Omir Asik loose. Asik appears to be catching on the style of NBA play well. A little more commitment to the defensive end and you have a legit back up center. Coming from Turkey where bigs come with outside weapons, he could potentially spread the defense out by making them play honest at about 17ft. Giving Derrick Rose a better opportunity to dribble enter and create as he has been doing so well this season.
- Reel in Loul Deng on the offensive end. I read a blogger comment the other day that was not only hilarious but true. It read " Whoever told Luol Deng that SF stood for Shooting Forward should themselves be shot". Now legally that is a threat but the underlying point remains the same. There is not in fact, a such thing as a "shooting forward" so why does he find it neccesary to pull the trigger so early and often in possesions. I feel that by Coach Thibs allowing the team to play more loosely than most NBA coaches would, in return for more intensity on the defensive end could be detrimental to any type of stability the team could gather through playing without structure throughout the regular season. Run through the offense and allow Derrick Rose to conduct who scores and when. Its his job.
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